Psychoanalytic Practice in Technological Space? 22 MayMay 2020 07:00pm - 09:00pm

This seminar, the second in an ongoing series, further considers the impacts of the health pandemic on the practice of psychoanalysis in moving to a technologically-supported practice. Key considerations will be the implications of the loss of the clinic room environment, the absence of body materialities and affects in the therapeutic relation, and exploring how to retain emphasis on the subjective dimension of the unconscious when working from distance.

This seminar is co-facilitated by Marie Walshe and Eve Watson. The key discussant will be the eminent and erudite Dany Nobus (see bio in attachment). All are welcome. Emphasis will be on audience discussion and participation

Registration Fee: €20. Registrants will be sent a zoom link shortly before the seminar begins.

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