This seminar explores, under the guidance of guest discussant, Bice Benvenuto, one of today’s most experienced contemporary psychoanalytic practitioners working with children, how, like it or not, when our adult analysands or we ourselves are tempted to keep in line with a grownup mindset, we are eventually led to some enigmatic babbling steeped in the our early libidinal history. “For their part, children have always confronted me with the most crucial questions of human ethics, primarily how we come to relate to each other!”
There will a group discussion after the speaker's presentation and seminar participants are invited to contribute and join in.
Registration Fee: €25 eu. Those with difficulty with the fee can write to freudlacaninstitute@gmail.com Registrants will be sent a zoom link shortly before the seminar begins.
2 CPD points will be awarded by APPI (Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland).
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