The program takes the psychoanalytic clinic as a starting point to consider key areas of psychological presentation and suffering that characterise the modern era. Clinical practice, beginning with Freud, revealed that symptoms could be grouped into a small number of diagnostic fields: hysteria, obsessional neurosis, psychosis, and perversion. This course explores all six of Freud’s major case studies, dedicating three weeks to each, as a backdrop to considering what analysands present with today and assessing the similarities and differences to Freud’s and Lacan’s clinical practices. The course will be of interest to practitioners, trainees, students, and those seeking to consider in-depth links between psychoanalytic theory, clinical practice, and the impact of contemporary culture on subjectivity.
Seminars will take place by Zoom on Fridays from 19:00-21:00 (Dublin-GMT). Each 3-week block of seminars will be co-delivered by two highly experienced tutors who are also clinical practitioners.
Tutors: Guy Le Gaufey (Paris), Astrid Gessert (London), Annie Rogers (Amherst), Rik Loose, (Dublin), Leon Brenner (Berlin), Rolf Flor (Boston), Anouchka Grose (London), Patricia Gherovici (Philadelphia), Carol Owens (Dublin), Kristen Hennessey (Pennsylvania), Jamieson Webster (New York), Olga Cox Cameron (Dublin), Anne Worthington (London).
Required Reading: All 6 of Freud’s Case Studies plus a small number of additional readings will be set by the course tutors.
Registration via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/fli-course-freuds-case-studies-in-contemporary-contexts-oct-2021-may-2022-tickets-168080404013
Program Fees: 1 Module: €90 (3 weeks), Half Course of 3 Modules: €250 (9 weeks), Full Course of 6 Modules: €450 (18 weeks). Info: coursedirector@freudlacaninstitute.com
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